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Wheat Field
What Is a Food Sensitivity?

A food sensitivity is an inflammatory response of the immune system triggered by food allergens. Unlike a food allergy, the symptoms of a food sensitivity often occur hours or even days after exposure, making it difficult to pinpoint the specific offending food(s). This delayed reaction is what causes the majority of the 12 million people estimated to suffer from food sensitivities unaware and blame things like aging for their chronic symptoms. Food sensitivity testing streamlines the process of identifying triggering foods, providing clear evidence and guidance to begin the healing process and start improving symptoms.

Food Sensitivity Testing & Coaching

This service will pinpoint sensitivities to 288 foods through lab testing and create a plan to temporarily eliminate these foods or food groups, with a strategy to reintroduce them later. The client will be given a tailored nutrition plan that avoids foods causing sensitivities while incorporating nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory foods to enhance overall health and well-being.  

Who Should Order This Test?

This test is perfect for those experiencing gut issues like bloating, constipation, diarrhea, or indigestion, as well as non-GI symptoms such as brain fog, daytime crashes, trouble losing weight, and water retention. These individuals are dedicated to making dietary changes by temporarily eliminating (for up to 6 months) foods identified as sensitivities in their test results.

Remote Learning
Kitchen items

Scheduling the Test

  • Lab test kit will be delivered to the individual's home and then taken to Arc Point Labs to have blood drawn. 

  • Cost: $228 (including tax, shipping) paid to Rupa Health + $40 lab draw fee paid to phlebotomist for a total price of $268

  • Appointments can be scheduled Monday through Thursday from 8:30 am - 5:00 pm by calling 336-999-8298.

  • Visit for more information.

Initial Coaching Session

  • Review of test results, including which foods to remove and the duration.

  • Customized meal plan based on food sensitivities and preferences

  • List of recommended food substitutions for grocery shopping

  • Cost: $150

Add-On Services

  • Weekly check-in sessions for meal planning and grocery lists

  • In-person grocery shopping to read labels and create meal plans

  • Food sensitivity re-introduction planning and implementation

  • Cost: $50 per add-on service

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